Inkscape crop transparent
Inkscape crop transparent

The benefit of this approach is that it doesn't alter the original objects, and the clipping path can be further edited (e.g.

  • Select both the clipping path and the group, then use Object > Clip > Set.
  • This will be your clipping path - I usually give them a bright green stroke and no fill, but that's just by convention and doesn't affect the final result. This gives you a single path which is a rectangle with a star-shaped hole in the middle.
  • Select both the rectangle and the star then use Path > Difference.
  • Because of the order in which you've created things, this is on top of the rectangle in the z-order. You can leave it with just a stroke and no fill if you want, to make it easier to see what's going on.
  • Draw a rectangle large enough to cover all the objects.
  • inkscape crop transparent

    The SVG spec doesn't allow for this so you have to create it manually - though I think there's an option for it coming in 1.0. You actually need an 'inverse' clipping path.

    inkscape crop transparent

    This will only work easily if your collection of many shapes are all on one layer, and can be grouped (otherwise you'll have to deal with each layer separately). Another approach would be to use a clipping path.

    Inkscape crop transparent